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Archive for the tag “benjamin franklin”

The 13 Virtues Perfect Day

I live my life according to 13 virtues, as set down by Benjamin Franklin himself. It’s my little way of keeping track of how I’m doing as a man, and so every night before I go to bed I sit down and reflect on my day and tick boxes in my day planner. Benjamin himself thought that the goal was not to tick them all every day, but to reflect on your day and thus simply try to improve a bit. Well, today I ticked them all.

Ok, I admit some may have been easier than others, such as the virtues of silence and humility as they require human interaction to perform. Not too much of that on a study day in uni, I’m afraid, but still. I watched my food intake, I spoke only when it benefitted the conversation, my room is clean and ordered again, I’ve ticked everything on my to-do list today, I was cautious with money when I went shopping, every moment today has been spent doing something industrious, everything I’ve said today has been sincere, I’ve been just in thought at least, I’ve moderated my behaviour, I’ve not been upset by trifles, Ive exercised, and stayed more or less humble. Although, this post is sort-of a brag post, but hey. When it is something to be proud of, it is not being un-humble. False humility is something I cannot stand. Seriously. If you’ve done something amazing, you’re allowed to think so.

On top of that I outperformed my own expectations on the military fitness test today, so go me! 43 push-ups 41 sit-ups, 5 hang-ups and 3k run in 16:17. The last two still needs massive improvements, but as I only recently got the hang-up bar and cardio I knew would be my weak point I’m prepared for that. Still, getting to this after summer is looking increasingly possible:

HBS Fitness test Push-ups:
41/45   —-   Sit-ups: 41/70   —-   Pull-ups: 5/14   —-   3k run: 16:17/12:00
Goal for nexr week: 42/46/6+16:00

If you wanna read more about the 13 virtues, click here: artofmanliness.com. It’s a blog run by Kate and Brett McKay, great source of anything manly.

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